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The Disease to Please epub

The Disease to Please epub

The Disease to Please. Harriet Braiker

The Disease to Please
ISBN: 9780071385640 | 288 pages | 8 Mb

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The Disease to Please Harriet Braiker
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Companies, The

Harriet Braiker calls people pleasing the “Disease to Please.” She explains that it is a form of addiction. € Taking on too many projects at once. In her best-selling book, psychologist-author Harriet Braiker called it, The Disease to Please.[1] This disease can plague those in Christian ministry. I don't care if While Christ was on earth many believed in him but wouldn't say so because they had the disease to please. [youtube][/youtube] Let me be REALLY CLEAR. Just as drug addicts crave drugs, people pleasers crave approval. In the book she says that people pleasers are addicts. Symptoms may include, but are not limited to: • Always saying yes, even when you want to say no. I am not and will never condone buying food from KFC. There's a book called The Disease to Please by Harriet Braiker, PhD. People pleasing can become a form of idolatry. People-pleasers whose distorted thinking is the predominant cause of their syndrome are ensnared in burdensome and self-defeating mindsets that perpetuate their disease to please problems. Trying to please people is a disease, or a sickness. I am not sure if this is a largely talked about thing, but I came across a leaflet that my wife had been given about women in leadership and the 7 deadly sins! It seems to me the world has become obsessed with the "disease to please" that is please others. Low self-esteem can give you a headache One problem most people have is the "disease to please", which makes them feel so concerned about others' feelings they violate their own rights.

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